Monday, April 9, 2012

To ROI or not to ROI, Is that the question?

In my inbox today was the upcoming webinar program from Training Magazine.
There are some great webinars in that series and I find myself wtaching about one a month on average.
But the thing that brought me to the blog today was this.

Wednesday, May 2
The ROI LIE: The Facts Behind Why Training ROI  is Undermining Credibility
Ajay Pangarkar, CTDP, President & Lead Learning Strategist, CentralKnowledge

Tuesday, May 8
ROI Basics: An Overview of the ROI Methodology
Patti Phillips, Ph.D., President & CEO, ROI Institute

And after I stopped laughing at the absurdity of these back to back webinars I started thinking.
In the Workplace Learning & Performance world we have a clear goal. the reason that companies pay us is to help ensure that their employees increase their skills or knowledge so that the employees can make a better contribution to the organizations goals.

Whether we stay with Don Kirkpatrick's four levels, or try to push beyond that to what Jack Phillips defines as a fifth and ROI, what is important is that we have the impact that the organization is looking for.

I realize that The Kirkpatrick Partners and the ROI institute have clear financial interests in getting us to adopt their particulat model, but at the end of the day, I just don't care.

Whether I'm moving a business performace metric or hitting an ROI value is irrellevant to me. Just as long at the desired change happens.

Happy Learning.

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